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To Samuel Smith, 29 Jan. 1785



     I Engaged Mr Donnison who went from yeocomico to Baltimore, to bring my Library to Virginia, and my Father wrote you a Letter upon the Subject, but he returned without it, much to my dissapointment, and assigned as a reason the Danger of the Frost— I feel the want of it sensibly— I must request the favor of you to interest yourself particularly in discovering the most expeditious mode of conveying them to me— A Vessel coming immediately to this place would be the most desirable opportunity, but If a previous one to yeocomico, or Nomony on Potowmack, or to Leeds Town o

To James Lloyd, 9 June 1824


Dear Sir

     I return you my sincere acknowledgements for your kind favor of the 5th inst., and also for the pamphlet containing Mr Fiske’s address to the Worcester agricultural Society, which I have read, and from the many Judicious observations which it contains, I conclude that this Gentleman is not only a scientific but a practical Agriculturist.

From Josiah Quincy, 2 March 1813

Dear Sir

I have the honour to introduce to your acquaintance Mr Simeon Putnam, the gentleman, whom I have engaged, at the request of Mr Turner, to be tutor to his children. He is a very respectable and excellent young man, whom I recommend to your notice, with great pleasure, being assured that he is every way worthy of your attention and not doubting that he will entirely answer the wishes of your friend. With respects to Mrs Washington, in which Mrs Quincy joins I am very respectfully yr hle st

From Nicholas Biddle, 17 Feb. 1822

Dear Sir,

On my return home after I had the pleasure of seeing you, I made a diligent search among my papers for the letters of Genl Washington, about which we conversed. but not being able to discover them I then recollected that when Mr Walsh first established his newspaper I gave them to him as literary curiosities, and that after printing them the manuscripts were not returned to me,1 but, as I learnt on enquiry, were probably destroyed with the other contributions to the paper.

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