From Jared Sparks
Baltimore. January 1. 1827.
Before I left Boston I received your favor of the 24th. Novr stating that you had under consideration my proposal respecting the papers of General Washington, and that you had written to Chief Justice Marshall on the subject. I also soon after received a letter from the Chief Justice, in which he expressed a full approbation of my plan, and sad he had communicated his opinion to you. In a few days I shall be in Washington City, which I visit for the purpose of prosecuting my researches in the public offices. As the Supreme Court will then be in session I presume you will be there, and I shall seek an early opportunity to converse with you, and ascertain your final decision in regard to my proposal. I am, &c.
Jared Sparks.
LB, MH: Jared Sparks Letterbook. Sparks addressed the letter to BW at Mount Vernon.