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     July 25th 1813 at the request of Judge B. Washington Made the following Survey at a stake above a bridge on the North side of Lewis Mill Road thence along sd Road N. 73 W. 171 poles to the corner of a cleared field, extend the sd course of poles to get clear of a fence thence N. 16 E. 29 poles thence N. 3 1/2 E. 42 poles thence N. 31 E. 19 poles thence N. 51 E. 22 poles thence N. 72 E. 66 poles thence N. 54 1/2 E. 21 poles to a tall sweetgum thence N. 34 E. 20 poles thence N. 20 1/2 E. 38 poles thence N. 28 E. 28 po. thence N. 36 1/2 E. N. 37 E. at 33 poles opposite a marked spaninsh oak on the West side of the road a corner of the Judge & Lewis Lands, (from the turn of the road running by sd spanish bears N. 36 E.) N. 37 E. 48 poles thence N. 32 E. 28 poles thence N. 15 1/2 E. 56 poles thence N. 32 E. 19 poles thence N. 35 1/2 E. 19 poles thence to the corner of the S. 9 1/2 W 120 thence this <mutilated> suppose on next morning S. 9 1/2 W. 62 poles marked the fence opposite B. Washingtons Barne thence S. 17 W. 80 poles opposite a stooping White Oak standing in side of W of thence South 30 poles angled S. 6 W. 20 po. thence S. 74 E. 11 po. thence S. 2 1/2 W. 26 poles thence S. 29 1/2 W. 58 poles then angled S. 71 E. 6 poles to the Beg[innin]g.

John Bryan

Robbert Bannington} C.C.1

     July 26th 1813 Met again & ran the following lines Beg[innin]g oposite sd box Oak S. 3 W. 40 poles oposite a spring & near the corner of B. Washington junrs fence thence with the dividing line across sd field N. 74 W. 164 poles.

Source Note

D, ViMtvL: Historic Manuscript Collection. On back of BW's letter to Simon Summers of 11 July, on the cover of which Summers notes, "Rough plat & notes of one of Judge Washington's fields."

1. Brackets surround both names, marked C.C.