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From George Wythe


     I received your obliging letter; and shall take pleasure in doing any kind office for your brother. I have a note of hand of yours, sir, for payment of some tobacco, which mr Cabel, of whom as I understand you received the tobacco delivered to me. Mr Madison also received 1000 lbs. of tobacco from one of his pupils, one half of which was due to me; but I consented that he should retain the whole, upon his agreeing that I should receive what might be due from you to him. Be pleased to let me know if any thing be due from you to him, that if not, I may settle the matter with him. I am, Sir, your obedient serv.

G. Wythe

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers. Wythe directed the letter to "Bushrode Washington esq;"