From Thomas Blackburn
Barbados Feby 26th 1793.
My dear Sir!
We had the Pleasure of receiving yours & Nancys Letters dated in Decr last about Six Days ago, after we had daspaired of hearing again from our Friends—for this was the sacond packet only. that we have recd since we left Virginia— I have wrote frequently At prasent this will serve merely to inclose a Letter for Nancy from her Mother, wch being pretty full I need not be particular. We have taken our passage from this to So. Carolina, & are to <sa>il two Days hence— if we are happy enough to arrive thare in Safety I shall write to You immediately on our Arrival, & I hope & trust our Letters from thence will reach You before this can.
We axpect our Friend Colo. Washington will take us by the Hand if we get to Charles Town. With Love to Nancy & the two little Girls— for the present I bid You adieu, & ramain with great Sincerity, My dear Sir! Yr affect. Friend
T. Blackburn.
ALS, ViMtvL: Historic Manuscript Collection. Blackburn addressed the letter to "Bushrod Washington Esq. City of Richmond Virginia."