From George Augustine Washington Spotswood
University of Va March 8th 1829.
The pecuniary difficulties that I labour under, with a large family dependent on my individual exertion, requires that I should use some exertion to procure an appointment, or situation, different from the poor one in which I am placed, & which I have resigned, after the first July; To your Influence then, my dear Sir, as my Relation & Friend, I appeal, and hope that I may meet with from you, that friendship I expect. The services of our family, during the struggle for Liberty, ought ever to be remembered by this Country; And although Republics are too often ungrateful, I hope this Republic will not prove so; I am distressed, Sir, and wish to get an appointment under the present Administration; I beg leave to refer to letters, from Conl Monroe, and Conl Phill Barbour, filed away in Land Office, or in the possession of my friend Mr Graham, The appointment I would be pleased to get, would be as superintendent of the —Penetentiary, Geo. Town (D.C)— As Naval store Keeper, or as Clerk in some of the Departments; If I did not only, feel well qualified to fill, eather the enumerated appointments, but could also give, good evidence of my being qualified, I would not apply. While in Washington, I did myself the Honour, of calling on you— twice the first time you were out, the second time you had retired to bed; I have taken the liberty of writing to Judge Marshall on the same subject of this letter, and when in Washington, I recd assurances from a friend, & one who frequently communicates with Genl Jackson, that the influence that I now solicit, wd ensure me success, if the influence of any persons could; Let me then Sir hope, that you will extend your friendly1 aid to a distressed Relation & friend who will not only recollect with gratitude your friendship, but who will in every, act, word, & deed, prove how much he appreciates the favour,— for indeed Sir, my situation is truly distressing. I have the Honour, of signing myself, your affectionate Relation,
George W. Spotswood
ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers.
1. Spotswood originally wrote "your friendly influence" and crossed out influence to replace with aid