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To William Burr Harrison

Dear Sir

     I have been prevented by sickness from making an earlier acknowledgment of your letter of the 23d Ulto. covering all Hooes bonds to Mr Turner & my self except the first, payable on demand.

     I have again examined the Contract, and am perfectly Satisfied that I was mistaken in supposing that the 2d Bond should have been paybl. on the 1st Jany 1826. The first bond was to be paid then, unless Mr H. could advance it on the 1st Jany 1825, & on this principle you have very correctly proceeded in the adjustment.

     Mr Turner, who is to recieve the amount of the bond in your possession, thinks that no further indulgence ought to be allowed. In this opinion I entirely concur, believing that it will do no benefit ultimately to the debtor, &, almost knowing that the creditor would not be thanked for it. You will please therefore to put it in suit, unless you think a pointed letter from yourself would bring the money without proceeding to extremities. I am with great regard Dear Sir yr friend & obt Servt

Bush. Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Historic Manuscript Collection. BW addressed this letter to Harrison in Leesburg, Virginia. It was postmarked in Alexandria, on 3 June. The letter was endorsed.