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To Burr William Harrison

Dear Sir

     Since my return home I recd your acceptable letter of the 20th April, informing me that you had brought our business with Hooe to a close, which, but for your energy on the occasion, would, I believe have long remained open.

     Whether, in your statement of the periods at which the bonds are made paybl, you have made a mistake, or I misapprehend the statement I cannot say; but if neither is the case, it seems to me that the periods of payment mentioned in the statement do not conform to the Contract. I Understand the 1st bond to include the interest on the whole sum from the 1st Jany 1825 which is right, as on that day one instalment was to be paid and interest on the whole was then to begin to run. But the 2d bond is made paybl on the 1st Jany 1827, whereas the 2d instalment was by the Contract to be paid on the 1st of Jany 1826. The Consequence is that the last instalt becomes due in 1833 instead of 1832. Look at the Contract again and also at the bonds & see if I am correct. I hope however that the mistake, if there be one, is in your statement & not in the bonds.

     Should Mr H. comply with his promise by paying what is due on monday next, I will thank you to deposit the mony in the Leesburg bank in Mr Turners name & apprize him of it that he may check for it through the Charlestown bank.

     The remainder of the bonds, I must ask the favor of you to send me by Mr Taylor or some other of the Alexa. lawyers, sealed up & directed to me.

     The title papers can be sent down to me by any safe conveyance whenever such may occur. I am, Dear Sir, with very great regard Sincerely yrs

Bush: Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Historic Manuscript Collection. Harrison endorsed the letter. BW addressed the letter to Harrison in Leesburg, Loudoun County.