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To Burr William Harrison

Dear Sir—

     I must again trouble you upon the subject of the suit brought by Mr Swann in the Name of Genl Washingtons Exectrs vs. Ludwell Lee Exect. This Lee & to enquire whether the action is in as languishing a State as it was when you wrote me on the 22d Jany 1819. If it be so, I must beg the favor of you to mark your name to the suit and to hasten it on to a speedy trial, as I am Just closing our Exectrs accounts. I presume nothing is necessary but to have the cause called & disposed of, as there can be no plea put in which can be supported in law or fact— There is no want of Assetts, & if there were, the first Judgment is conclusive agt the Executor see 3 T. rep. 686—3 Hen. & Mumf. 126 1 Wash. 166. as soon as I hear from you stating the pendency of the suit, I will enclose you a fee— I am Dear Sir very Sincerely yrs

Bush. Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Historic Manuscript Collection. BW addressed this letter to "Burr W. Harrison Esq. Leesburg Virginia"