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To William Augustine Washington

     It affords me much pleasure, my dear William, to comply with your request to give you letters of introduction to Judges Brook & Dade. I should send you one also to Judge Coalter but I am inclined to think that he resides very remote from the other gentlemen, & that there is a Judge much nearer to them altho I cannot for my life recollect his name. You can call upon the gentlemen to whom I have written on your way to visit us. As the Judges formerly examined applicants very strictly upon the Virginia acts of Assembly, I hope you have made them a part of your Studies; if you <h>ave not, I should advise you to read over the revised Code before you apply for a license unless you can find out from others that an examintion on them will be dispensed with.

     With best wishes for the Success of your Application & of your future professional labours I am my dear William very sincerely yr friend & affect. Uncle

Bush. Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Historic Manuscript Collection. BW addressed the letter to "William Aug. Washington Esq. Mattox bridge Westmoreland County."