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To Burr William Harrison

Dear Sir

     After an absence of three months, I returned home the day before yesterday, and now avail myself of the first leisure moment to request an answer to the letter I wrote you just previous to my departure respecting the yorkshire farm land. This is to Mr Turner and myself a very interesting Subject, as Mr Hooe declines making any payments until a survey is made and the number of acres ascertained. In short every thing respecting our contract with him is, & must continue unsettled and confused 'till that is done. I am, as to my interest in the business, more anxious that it should be speedily settled, than about the quantity of acres, unless an unreasonable deficit should be contended for. Please inform me as soon as possible what has been, or is likely to be, done in bring about so desirable a result.

     We are in every way unfortunate as it relates to this business, as neither Mr Turner or myself can induce Mr Ratcliffe to answer our letters respecting his Collection of the last year's rents which are grea[tl]y wanted to assist Mr T. in paying Mr Scott. When you next visit the Court house, I must beg the favor of you to enquire of Mr R. what he has done, & if he has been unable to collect the rents to state the reason. We may possibly be obliged to ask the aid of your professional Services to enforce the payment— rents are due upon the yorkshire farm, the Wegwam & another tract— with great respect I remain Dear Sir very sincerely yrs

Bush. Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Historic Manuscript Collection. BW addressed the letter to "B. Wm Harrison Esq. atty at law Leesburg Loudoun County Virginia."