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To Noblet Herbert

Dear Sir

     My letter to Maurice informed you of the severe inflammatory attack on my breast which then confined me to my room. The pain has nearly disappeared, and I am rapidly recovering the Strength of which the depleting System to which I was subjected had deprived me. The Doctr comsents to my returning to Court the day after tomorrow. Should my health not be again interrupted, I trust it will be in my power to finish the cases which are to be tried in the course of a fortnight. I have rode out once, <a>n<d> am just preparing for another excursion.

     I have heard nothing from home except what you have been so good as to communicate—Not one line from Bushrod since my departure for which I cannot account.

     I hope that my dear Mary is still advancing towards the recovery of her health & that it will soon be entirely restored. I anticipate the happiest result from the Country air, exercise & fruit when we return, on which account, my anxiety to be at home is greatly encreased.

     Pre[se]nt our love to her, & kiss the children for us, but particularly Jane. Believe me very Affectly yrs

Bush. Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Elswyth Thane Beebe Collection. BW addressed the letter to "Noblet Herbert Esq. Alexandria Dist. of Cola."