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From Benjamin Rush

Dear Sir,

     In order to complete the conquest which Mrs Washington has happily made in part over her Attachment to Laudanum, it will be proper for her to continue to lessen the dose of it gradually Until she ceases to take it altogether.

     To obviate the Weakness that will probably follow its abstraction, she should take occasionally from ten to twenty drops of the Spirit of hartshorn with ten or fifteen drops of Æther mixed with it, and constantly during the day an infusion of any of the common bitters of the Shops or gardens, such as Columbo root—quassia, Camomile, or Century. The infusion should be made in water—and should be made fresh every day. For the same purpose of supplying the Absence of the Stimulus of Laudanum upon her System, she should live upon cordial animal food, and take daily with it a glass of sound old Wine, or half a pint of porter. The last will be must useful if taken at bedtime with a little cordial food of any kind.

     Ginger tea may be taken occasionally with the bitter teas.

     I cannot consistently with Duty conclude this letter without requesting you to state to my former patient, that the habitual use of opium is often attended with the most serious and distressing consequences. It not only weakens and disorders the body, but it sometimes induces in the mind idiotism and madness. With my respectful Compliments to my patient, and best wishes that her resolution, may be equal to her judgment upon the Subject of this letter, I am Dear Sir yours truly and respectfully

Benjn Rush

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Historic Manuscript Collection. Looks like a draft.