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From Elizabeth Blackburn Scott

My dear Sir:

    I receivd your letter of the 5 of Decm. only two days since. My wish entirely accords with your opinion, as to the Sale of the land in question next Spring, and leave it to the better judgement of your-self and Mr Turner to fix on the propper papers for advertizing it in. A Sale at ten dollars an acre would be preferable to the continuance of debt.

     My Brother has written to request William Larken, the Tenant at the Wigwam, to attend to persons wishing to view the Land. Will you my good Sir let Mr Crawfurds Overseer know to whom he is to apply should he wish to look at the Land.

     I am much gratified at hearing my Sisters health is so good, and wish her a very long continuance of it. My Father and Aunt offer their respectful regards to her and your-self The Children who recollect their Aunt and your-self with much affection join me in goo<d> deal of love to both. Believe me dear Sir your very sincere Friend

E. Blackburn.

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers.