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To Lawrence Lewis

Dear Sir

     Mr Riddle is offer'd $600, or the Vessel alone, in good negotiable paper at 3,629 months, which I wd have authorised him to take, if I knew with certainty that you had made no contract with Keene. The Man who makes the offer demands an immediate answer; I have requested Riddle to call upon him & promise him one by 10 <o'cl>ock tomorrow. I shall order Jerry to carry this letter to you tonight, and will thank you to write to Riddle & send the letter so as to reach him before the time I have fixed. I go from hence to Richmond this afternoon, & leave you to act as you may think best respecting the Schooner. Should you sell her seperately, wd it not be a good plan to give Arthur a pass to go to Frederickburg, Port Royal & Leeds, & offer him for sale for $200 or $250, cash or good negotiable paper, and to limit his return to you to a fortnight or 3 weeks? In great haste yrs

Bush. Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Historic Manuscript Collection. BW addressed this letter to Lawrence Lewis Esq. at Woodlawn.