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From Lawrence Augustine Washington

Dr Sir

     your favor of the 2d ulto, has been by some means much retarded in it's arrival to this country. I now acknowledge it's rect I feel a perfect willingness, to enter into a settlement of our business, with any Gentleman you may choose to designate for that purpose. And I can assure you, that every light I possess shall be thrown on the subject.

     I am desirous to have a personel interview with you, upon this & other business. I will therefore thank you, to inform me, by the first post after you receive this, how long you will continue at home, from the date of your letter. I should set off in a few days, for your house, was I certain to find you at home. But the probability of missing you, induces me to write, to ascertain when you will be certainly found there.

     I wish to see you before harvest, you will therefore perceive the necessity, of answering this letter, by the earliest opportunity. Accept my good wishes

Lawe Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Historic Manuscript Collection.