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From Corbin Washington

My dear Brother

     When I wrote you last the Symptoms of my Wife's disorder had taken a favourable turn, & appearances were rather flattering; but for some days past she has been much more unwell, and I have very strong reasons to apprehend that another rising is forming on her lungs— indeed I am extremely alarmed about her, and now, more than ever satisfied that her lungs are seriously attacked— I am just dispatching a messenger for the Doctor, which compells me to write less to you than I should otherwise do— My children are all well, and I am much better than I could, circumstance considered, expect to be— I pray god this may find you & my Sister in good health. I am yr distressed though sincerely affectionate brother

C. Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers. The cover was addressed to BW at "Richmond Town."