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From Corbin Washington,

My dear Brother

     On Thursday last I wrote a letter to my Mother from Alexandria which went in John Steels Vessel with the Jug of lamp Oil, a Sett of tongs & Shovel & a bundle of mountings for a spice cabinet that William Rice is making for my wife— In that letter I requested my Mother to inform you that a Seine could not be procured in Alexandria to suit your Shores, and as there would be difficulty & uncertainty of having one forwarded from Baltimore, I had determined to buy the twine & hire a man to weave one in alexandria, which he has engaged to have finished within a fortnight from the date of that letter. This appeared to be the most eligible plan to me, & I hope will meet your approbation— Should any Vessel be coming up Shortly from your neighbourhood, you will please direct them to call on Joshua Riddle for it. Our dear little daughter Molly was very ill on our journey home, Jane fell sick in a few days after we arrived, and Harriott was most severely attacked about ten days ago— Jane & Molly both get better, but Molly relapsed last night, and I am now Setting up by her & Harriott, both of whom I consider very ill— My necessary attention on these poor children obliges me to make this letter Shorter than I had intended— Please remember us affectionately to my Sister, and consider me Yr Brother & sincere friend

Corbin Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers. The cover was addressed to BW "of Walnut Farm in Westmoreland County."