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From Corbin Washington

My dear Brother

     In my letter of the 23d I wrote you respecting the indisposition of my three daughters, since which Jane has much recovered— Molly has had several relapses & is now very low indeed— Harriott was attacked last friday fortnight with the severest fits I ever saw, and has never recovered her senses since— She is too ill for me to flatter myself with her recovery, unless the great father of mercies should think proper to restore her to us; but if otherwise, I shall with calmness and resignation submit.

     I hope your Seine is in great forwardness, and will be ready to go down by the next opportunity to your neighbourhood.

     Colo. Powell was elected to congress by a majority of 392 votes—Mr R. B. Lee & Mr Ths Swan to the assembly for Fairfax—Mr Joseph Lewis & Mr Noland for Loundoun, who are federal men—Mr Thomas Mason & Mr Pope for Prince William, who are of a different discription— We have hea[r]d that Genl Lee, Genl Marshall, & Mr Robert Page of Frederick are also elected.

     My Boys are perfectly well, and Hannah and myself as well as could be expected considering the fatigue we undergo.

     Present us affectionately to my Sister, Jane, & Nancy and very dutifully to our dear Mother. Adieu

Corbin Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers. The cover was addressed to BW "near the cross Roads in Westmoreland County."