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From Corbin Washington

My dear Brother

     I am sorry to inform you that I have been very unsuccessful in collecting the money for the drafts you enclosed me some time ago— Mr Lampkin & myself have frequently made application, but always met with a put off from some of them— Messr Patton & Dykes paid their £7 on the 3d this Month, and John Mandeville his £12 yesterday— Thos Patton says he paid Mr Swan £7 by your order and only owes £7 now, which he promises to pay between this and Monday next— McPherson always makes fair promises, but holds back the money, I pushed him very hard yesterday, & mean to give him no quarter tomorrow— Mr John Tuberville has also assured me he will raise the money he owes in a few days if possible— Summers says he will make out a Statement of your execution agst court & pay up the bal., which he says will be reduced by Taxes & clerks notes to some where about £7 or 8— I intend to Town again tomorrow to purchase and forward if possible the articles you directed— My Mother & niece left us last Saturday for West Haywood, where poor Augustine lately arrived far gone with a breast complaint— My family are all well except my wife, who has fevers every night, and grows daily weaker— Please present our affectionate love to my sister & tell her we were exceedingly mortified that Daniel neglected to tell her of my horses meeting her at George Town ferry to assist in bringing her here— I shall never trust a negro to deliver a message againt when I am able to write— You & my Sister have the united love of this family. I am your most affectionate brother & sincere friend

Corbin Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers. The cover was addressed to BW at "Richmond Town."