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From Corbin Washington

My dear Brother

     A few days after the receipt of your letter of the 10th last Month enclosing some orders for me to collect for you, my young Man sat off for Westmoreland, and has not yet returned, which put it out of my power to have them presented; but as soon as he returns <th>at business shall be attended t<o>— I should have presented them myself, had my wife's Situation permitted me to leave her; but I trust I shall not be long confined on her account, as she was delivered on Sunday last of a Girl & both are doing well— The order you gave on Thos Paten has been mislayd by Mr Saml Lampkin, to whom I gave it to collect; and therefore it will be necessary for you to forward me another directly, as he will make that an excuse for not paying the money— I wish you could contrive me about 2 oz. early york cabbage seed, 2 oz. green Savoy cabbage seed, 1 oz. Salmon radis[h] & 1 oz. white Turnip radish seed, also some red beet, Spinage & scarcity seeds, provided Collins's seeds be fresh[.] Present our most affectionate love to my Sister for whose health, as well as yours<,> we si<n>cerely pray. adieu

C. Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers. The cover was addressed to BW at "Richmond Town" by "Post." BW wrote on the bottom of the letter's final page, "1 oz. Early york."