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From Corbin Washington

My dear Brother

     Your letter by Mr Walter Jones covering the Transfer &c. was delivered me last Tuesday at Court by Mr Jones— The letter by your Servant, who came for the Cattle, was sent me the same evening by my Mother accompanied with a request from her that I would attend at Bushfield to pick out and give directions about sending off the Cattle— I went down agreeable to my Mothers request and gave every necessary direction; but yesterday proved so bad a day that they could not set out— I have sent two of my people to assist yours in driving until their Cattle get a little orderly— They will carry from Bushfield 20 Sheep and 4 Cows, and, if they find it can be done with tolerable ease, I have ordered my overseer to deliver them four cows from this place, which, if the[y] arrive safe, I beg your acceptance of— I am obliged myself to push off to Haywood to try if possible to get the Transfer altered according to your directions to go down by Mr Walter Jones, who says he must set off for Richmond on Sunday next at farthest— I wish I may be able to accomplish this business in time for Mr Jones, which I am exceedingly anxious to do, and also to have personally attended to the driving of your cattle for the first day of the Journey; but it is impracticable as both must be going on at the same time— I am really apprehensive you will be very unluckly in the Cattle business, as it is the most unfavourable Season that you could have fixed up for moving them, this being the usual time of their bringing their young, which may probably happen on the road, and at all events they will run some risk in getting in & out of the boats at the ferries— I am sorry that your people cant carry the Bay Sauce, which I will send you by first opportunity— Indeed they are not able to carry even provisions unless they had some kind of Carriage with them— I want much to see you on business of consequence, and, if possible, I will accomplish it this winter[.] God bless you & my good Sister— I must set off immediately for Hay Wood. Yr Affect. brother

C. Washington

Hannah sends her love to you & my Sister.


I have not forgot what you wrote about needing Sows, Hutchings's debt, and hiring of negroes, and shall answer that part of your letter by Mr Jones.

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers. The cover was addressed to BW in "Richmond Town."