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From Corbin Washington

My dear Brother

     You will now receive enclosed the Power of Attorney altered and put exactly in the form you desired, which I have been very much puzzled to get done in time to go down by Mr Jones— After I had picked out the Sheep & Cattle at Bushfield that were to go down by your Man, and had settled the mode of conducting the Journey, I satt of[f] for Haywood upon the above business, leaving orders with my Overseer to deliver your Man four of our likeliest Cows which he seemed to think he could very easily drive; however, on my return from Haywood, I meet the drove from Bushfield without any from Walnut Farm among them— Your Man told me upon trial, he found he could not drive more than he set off from Bushfield with— I sent two hands and my Mother one to assist them as far as Stratford where all your hands were to meet to carry them on— When I met them they were going on very orderly and all well except one ewe that was too big with young to travel, which I advised your man to leave at Stratford, at which place I expect they got in a few hours after I parted from them— Your letter respectingg the breeding Sows, did not come to hand until the very day your man got to Bushfield for the Cattle which prevented me from procuring them in time to go down with him, indeed, if I could have got them in time, it would not have been advisable to have drove them with the Cattle & Sheep— I can get nothing yet from Hutchings but fair promisses— With respect to hiring negroes to send you, I am sure there is not the smallest chance, for it is always, at the time of hiring, particularly mentioned, that they shall not be carried out of the County— Mr Danl Brent and several other Gentlemen have been trying this year to hire negroes in our County, and could not get them at fifteen pounds each, notwithstanding they hired in the County at £10 and under— The people here have a great objection to their negroes going a distance from them, and particularly to, or near a Town The Law passed at the last Session of our Assembley altering the Court days of our County, was not printed, & brought up by either of our representitives, which is likely to throw us in great confusion— If you would apply to the public printer to have it done immediately, it can come up by Beckwith Butlers boy, who will [be] at your House in a few day[s] on business. Present our Affectionate love to my Sister and believe me to be Yr Brother & Friend

Corbin Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers.