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From Corbin Washington

My very dear Brother

     I have been flattering myself for some months past that I should soon get the various business in which I am concerned so arranged as to have been permitted to have spent some little time with you at your own house; but all my exertions to accomplish this favourite scheme have been bafled by sickness in my own and my good friends families— Our dear Mother has been very unwell for some months past with a breast Complaint, which, thank God, has in a great measure, yielded to her great care, and the Docrs prescriptions— Our very worth[y] friend and relation of Haywood, has had a most serious & alarming attack of the Gout in His Stomach, which rendered it necessary for me to go there at a moments warning— he is now out of danger, tho' in considerable pain— I left him yesterday & am now on my way home— how soon I may be called back, is uncertain, as his whole System seems to be so full of the gouty matter, that he is constantly subject to fresh attacks— I wished to have conversed with you, and to have taken your friendly advice respecting a Matter of much consequence to your brother & your Mother— Our Sister is exceedingly desirous to have my Mother Settled near her, and has fixed upon Dumfries as the place of her residence, which scheme seems to meet my Mothers approbation; but, how it is to be carried into effect, is not yet determined upon, I believe— I fancy it is not wished that this matter should be made public before it is finally fixed upon— It is also wished I should move to that part of the Country, which, before I determine upon, I wish to consult you about, and consider the matter well myself— Our selection for Congress being now near at hand occupies the minds of the friends of Colo. Ball and that [of] Heath— Colo. Balls friends seem to think he will succeed; but I fear Heaths cunning will prevail.

     Genl Lee will certainly be chosen for our State Legislature, but i[t] is doubtful whether he will be attended by Mr Newton or Mr McCartey— indeed, it is not material which.

     If you should soon meet with an opportunity, dont forget the garden Seeds I wrote to you for formerly.

     Hannah joins me in love to my dear Sister and in best wishes for the health or you both. I am Affectly Yr friend

C. Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers. The letter, addressed to BW in "Richmond Town," was to be "Hond by Mr C. Lee."