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From Thomas Blackburn

My dear Sir!

     We are in the deepest Distress at this place at this Time— poor Judy Blackburn who was deliver'd about ten Days ago of Twins, died Yesterday about Noon at the Mother's just as Mrs Blackburn & I had got to Dumfries to see her— Poor Richard, as you may well conceive is inconsable. He is now, with all his little Ones, but one of the Infants (the other is dead) with us— Your Prudence will direct You to break this Matter with Caution to Nancy & Sally whose Tenderness of Heart will1 be much shocked at this News.

     The Family here are well in Health & all join in Love to You, Sally & Nancy, and I allways am My dear Sir! Yr affe. Friend

T. Blackburn

     I have disguised the Direction as well I cou'd.

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Historic Manuscript Collection. Blackburn directed the letter to BW in Richmond by "Stage."

1. Blackburn wrote "h<illegible>d them" but crossed it out.