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From Corbin Washington

My dear Brother

     I am now at <Sir> Francis Thornton's on the Fall Hill where I arrived last night from Culpepper & Ora[n]ge— I waited on Colo. Green— he says he does not recollect that there passed a conversation between you and him at Richmond respecting my Suit— he seems satisfied that Hite transferd his right to Mathews; and that Mathews did not pay Hite the purchase money— the purchase money he thinks is all the[y] have a right to— I told him that rather than have any more trouble about the Matter I would pay the purchase money myself, altho' I could, I believed, prove that Mathews had paid it before— Colo. Green said he would have a Stop put to the Suit until the fall; and in the mean time would write to Mr Hite upon the subject and if it should be agree[a]ble to him, he will give up the land upon my paying the Money that the land was sold for with interest— I proceeded from thence to the Clerks Office of Orange, where I examined the records very carefully, but could find no conveyance to Mathews, and, indeed no <mutilated> conveyances, except the Mortgage from Mathews to Brows, which was not foreclosed in that Office— My chance you see is bad— I must now attempt a compromise. I called at Fredericksburg on my way up— Mr Garnett told me he had sold all our negroes but Prince— I shall call upon him immediately for the Money, & will lay some scheme to part with him also— I am in a very great hurry to set off it being now late— therefore God bless you & my Sister and believe me to be your affect. brother


Corbin Washington

P.S. I was extremely sorry to hear from Mr Garnett when I got here, that you had drawn upon him for all the money in his hands for the negroes sold, especially as I expect an execution will be taken out against me about the 2d or 3d of March, and I have not one third of the Money necessary to settle it— It is probable that Prince will not be sold unless an extensive credit is allowed— I shall desire Mr Garnett to hire him out until he can sell him, unless we should fall upon some other Scheme about him— there are many who want him; but none have money— You will please give Mr Garnett an<y o>ther directions you think proper. I am with much affect. Yr Since. brother—


Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers. The cover was addressed to BW, "Attorney at Law," in Alexandria.