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From Corbin Washington

My dear Brother

     I have never yet met with any opportunity of writing to you since the new year except by Post, and I am sorry to find that the several letters written to go that way have never reached you yet, and it is possible as you have not received them before now that they will not get to you at all, which render it necessary for me to recapitulate what was mentioned in some of them. I wrote to you that Mr Downman had pd off his Bond £244.13.4 That on the 6 Feby I pd Mr Park by order of Beckwith Butler £100 and on the 11th of Feby pd Docr Thomson for Blane £145.1.0. A Statement of each you will receive enclosed— You observe the money weighed out more than it weighed in to me by 7/8— The Docr forgot the number of Tickets he got of you and also when he got them, which prevented us from having them credited also on the Bond; but he promises to have them credited with Interest from the time he received them, so soon as we can know when they were received and the number. Your letter to Kurt shall be delivered at Court next tuesday and your directions respecting the same attended to— Huchings refuses to pay, any more of the debt due you, however I will try to compell him so soon as I can leave my family. I have had eight hogs salted for you agreeable to your wish— the 4 due you weigh 501 lb. and the other 4 weigh 484 in all 985. The fat, heads, Joles & cracklings shall go up by the first opportunity; and the Joints with the middlings follow so soon as they shall be sufficiently smoaked— The chines & Spareribs are spoiled, I fear, by laying so long in Salt. Mr Stonum came down a few days ago to have a Settlement in full of all our transactions; but forgot to bring a very material paper comprehending a statement of transactions to the Amount of near eight hundred pounds, in consequence of which our Settlement must be postponed. I have written to Mr Griggs to enclose this paper in a letter and send it by some safe hand to you; and you will please, if no safe opportunity offers before, give it to my mother if she should be in Alexandria at the time, and if she should have gone to Dumfries, to send it after her, and there will be a certainty of my getting it safe. Stonum dont mean to return until late in March, so that if this paper gets to me by the 12 or middle of march it will perhaps do. Please write me the prices of the different West India commodities at your market, and what is the opinion of your best informed men respecting the fall or rise of them— Also let Me know the price of Tobo Cotton, peas, beans grain of all Sorts, Flour, and our other produce with the prospects that are entertained of their rise or fall— now I think you have trouble enough on my account. Mr Packett, who came down here a day or two ago on business with me, informed me that he had taken great pains to have 5 barls of Flour manufactured in the best manner for you, and had directed one of my tenants to carry them down to you next week— Yr barl are marked B.W. He says he takes great care of your horses, and expects to get them in very good order if you dont send for them too soon. Hannah has had no return of her disorder yet, and she, as well as Richard, is recovering & getting in good health again— Miss Molly Lee joins Hannah & me in love to you and my Sister. I am with Affection & Sincerity Yr Brother & Friend

Corbin Washington

P.S. Hannah will not forget to send you 2 bottles of Honey when a conveyance can be had.


Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers.