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To Thomas Lee

My dear Sir

     We are so pressed by the creditor legatees that we are compelled to call upon those who have purchased over their shares for what is due from them.

     Please say when you can make us a payt & to what amount.

     I wrote you some time ago about the lands sold to you & to Mr Parks, requesting you to state precisely what are your objections to the survey that they may be immediately examined & removed if well founded. Until this is done, we are prevented from executing deeds to either of you which is disagreable.

     I sincerely hope that your health has greatly improved since I saw you. With every good wish on that subject & every other interesting to you I am sincerely & affectly Yrs

Bush. Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViFCC. On the letter's reverse is written, in a different hand, "146 words."