From George Carter
16th Feby 1814 Oatlands near Leesburgh
A Neighbour of mine who sets out for Alexa. on Monday next will afford me the earliest opportunity of forwarding the bond & receiving payment in uniformity with the information contained in your letter of the 9th Instant which I have just received & to which I hasten to reply— Mr Wickham yet has not informed me of a final determination of the frying Pan cause, & it appears very probable no determination will take place untill the next fall1— under these circumstances I feel confident that I shall not want the money for the last bond untill the Period you mention in your last letter. very respectfully I am your obdt Sert
ADfS, CSmH: Brock Collection. Carter penned this response at the bottom and on the verso of BW's letter to him of 9 Feb. 1814.
1. Carter here deleted, "if it would be convenient for you to pay."