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From Elizabeth Willing Powel

     Mrs Powel's most friendly Compliments to Mr B. Washington. Tho' Mr Powel has never had the Pleasure to hear from him, since his departure from Phila., yet as Mrs Powel considers every Promise of hers as inviolable, even on the most trifling Occasions, she has sent him the Book that she once recommended for his Perusal. Could she have got it bound in Time for Mr Griffins Departure, she woud have desired Mr Washington to have given it a place in his Library, as she has not a Doubt that it will, on his seriously reading it, flash such a Conviction on his sensible susceptible Mind, as will make a lasting & usefull Impression. She is unwilling to ascribe the Neglects of her Friends to any Cause derogatory of them; but as every Effect must have its Cause, she thinks it possible that the Severity of the last Winter may have operated so violently on his Herculean Hands, as to have numbed his Fingers, she has therefore taken the Liberty to send him, with the Compliments of the Season, a Pair of furred Gloves which, she thinks, will effectually guard against the Inclemency of the present Winter. Mr & Mrs Powel beg he will present them respectfully to all his Friends.

Source Note

AL, ViMtvL: Elizabeth Willing Powel Manuscripts.