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Bushrod Washington and Lawrence Lewis to William Augustine Washington


To the Legatees of Gen. Washington.


     You have no doubt been informed, that our testator, some time before his death, sold his Dismal Swamp property to Gen. Lee, without however, having made a deed for the same. Some part of the consideration money was paid, but the exact amount is not now recollected.

     Gen. Lee has lately proposed to rescind the contract, without requiring a return of the money paid by him; and believing that the property is likely to become very valuable, and could now be sold for a good price, it is our decided opinion that his offer ought to be accepted. Should this not be done, we may be delayed a considerable time in obtaining a decree for the sale, without the slightest probability we think, of recovering more than what the property would sell for. An application was lately made to one of us in Philadelphia, by a gentleman who wished to purchase it; and who mentioned at the same time, that there was a sum of money now in the hands of the Directors received from the profits of the estate, to a proportion of which we are entitled. But until the business is settled with General Lee, we cannot receive it.

     Anxious, as we have always been, to obtain the concurrence of the legatees to any measures of importance in relation to the estate, we make this communication to you, and request immediate answers, that no time may be lost in answering the General's letter. We repeat the opinion before mentioned, that it will be greatly to our interest to accede to the proposition made to us.

     We are, gentlemen, respectfully, yr. mo. ob. serv'ts.

Bush. Washington

Lawe Lewis

Signd Seald & delivered in presence of us—

     R. J. Taylor

     Wm Herbert Jr

     Edm: J. Lee3


     I Richard Bland Lee of Sully Fairfax County for divers good & valuable considerations me thereunto moving; do agree to & acquiesce in the above Assignment of the above named Bushrod Washington to the above named Henry Lee Jr.

     In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my name and seal this thirty first day of May in the year one thousand, Eight hundred & ten.

                                                 Richard Bland Lee4

Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of—

     Edm: J. Lee

     Geo. Youngs

     R. J. Taylor5


     At a Court held for Fairfax County the 18th day of June 1810 This Deed from Bushrod Washington Junr to Henry Lee Junr was proved by the oaths of Robert J. Taylor William Herbert Junr and Edmund J. Lee and a Memorandum thereon endorsed was proved to be the act and Deed of Richard Bland Lee by the Oaths of Edmund J. Lee George Youngs and Robert J. Taylor and Ordered to be Certified to the Count Court of Westmoreland. Teste

                                                           Wm Moss6


     At a Court of Quarterly Session held for Westmoreland County the 22nd day of October 1810. The foregoing Deed from Bushrod Washington Junr to Henry Lee Junr together with a Memorandum and a Certificate of the Clerk of the Court of Fairfax County are ordered to be recorded. Teste

                                                        Joseph Fox7


Source Note

LS (printed), with manuscript insertions by BW, DLC: Washington Family Collection; transcript, DLC: Joseph Meredith Toner Collection. On the LS, BW handwrote, "Colo. Wm A. Washington" to the left of the signatures. He addressed the cover to the Colonel at "George town D. of Columbia." The postmark, from Alexandria, reads "MAY 15."

     Along with the LS at DLC is another printed copy of the circular, not personalized, with the day of the month left blank. The verso is covered with numerical calculations and includes a note, initialed by George Corbin Washington: "Index to the letters copied by me‑from [17]75 to [17]83 & from July [17]88 to Augt [17]97 The above were copied by direction of Judge Washington & presumed to be in the Vols. in Mr Sparks's hands."

     1. The printer left the day blank. BW inserted "13th" by hand.