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To Samuel Greenhow

Dr Sir

     Your letter of the 9th I recd a day or two ago. From one recd from Mr Hopkins I have no doubt that the mony was paid to the Cashier of the Company & when he comes up which I expect w[i]ll be by the time I return from Jefferson (say 10, or 12 days) I will get the cashiers rect & forward it to you. If from any circumstance it has not been paid, I will immediately after knowing this to be the case, remit the mony in some safe way, or procure a draft on yr town.

     Mrs W. Joins me in best wishes to You & Mrs G. & I am Dr Sir respectfully Yr Mo. Ob. Sert

Bush. Washington

Source Note

ALS, CSmH: Virginia Mutual Assurance Society Papers. BW addressed the cover to Greenhow at Richmond.