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From Thomas Jefferson


     I recieved, the day before yesterday, a small box addressed to me, on opening which, I found in it letters from mr Eccleston of Lancaster England, for yourself, Judge Marshall & myself. the one to me informed me that the box contained a medal of Genl Washington for each of us, and the one under cover to me being uppermost, I took it out, without disturbing the package of what remained in the box. mr Chevallié passing on yesterday evening, I got him to take charge of the box (which I nailed again) and to deposit it with mr Gadsden Alexa. subject to your order. you will therefore be so good as to call for it at your convenience, and I will take the liberty of requesting your forwarding to Judge Marshall the articles for him. I enclose you a letter from mr Eccleston to mr Maury, our Consul at Liverpool, through whom he sent the box, & salute you with great esteem & respect.

Th: Jefferson

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