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From John Marshall

My dear Sir

As peace will I hope restore commerce to the United States I have again turned my attention to the profession for which I originally intended my son James. He is now at Cambridge, but I should remove him without hesitation the instant it becomes proper to place him in a counting house. He was fifteen in february last & has made as great a proficiency in his studies as is usual with boys of that age.

You were so good as to apply for his admission into the counting house of Messrs Willing & Francis & I understood those gentlemen were willing to receive him. Will you be so obliging as to speak to them once more on this subject & if they are still willing to take him, let me know what are their terms & when they wish him to come. I am willing to bind him to comply with the terms which those gentlemen may require. I hope they will not be dissatisfied with my son should they take charge of him. I am dear Sir your

J. Marshall

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