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From Hannah Bushrod Washington

My very dearest Bushrod—

     Yesterday your two dear letters were handed me by Mr Mccartys servant, with 6 very fine oranges & the tea for which my poor G<2m>son returns you many thanks— to tell you my feelings on reading your last letter is impossible, to know that my greatly beloved Child had been ill—for I am sure that you was extremely so—put me in a tremour not easily shook off—& that it <p>leasd Heaven to grant you a reco<ve>ry filled me with a most pious ejaculation to the author of all goodness for his mercies— I am yet exceedingly unhappy both on yours & my dear nancys account, but as her complaints have been of a higher nature, I have every reason to hope that with care she will soon be perfectly restored— I beg & entreat my dear children that you will both be most cautious about venturing out too soon, as a relapse is ever dangerous— it appears to me that your family on the side of your dear Father is uncommonly liable to breast complaints—a cold the foreruner of most obstinate maladys & most commonly fixes on the weakest part— the lung of my dearest friends is that unfortunate receptable—& I never hear of any of you having a Cold but I feel the common consequences most bitterly I had not been so happy as to hear from Belvidere for a long time, till last week I recd a letter of an old date from Nancy. I grew restless to a degree— I answered that letter  which I hope has got safe to hand— Col. W<2m>n is as well as common our dear Austine losing strength every day—I fear & eraelly anticipa<te> the event—so circumstan[ced] I cant leave this gloomy place— the Loss of sleep for many sad years past has familiarized me to my present situation—being the only nurse either day or night in this sick room, where I am runing over as I can get time this— remember my above request my Child & consider an unhappy mother, take every care of a life so very—very precious to her— pray God Almighty bless & protect you & my Nancy—& be assured of the most unalterable Affe & love of your mother

H. Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers. BW endorsed the letter.