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From William White

Dear Sir,

     After my grateful Acknowlegements of your Attention to the Circumstances of my Sires' Land, and the agreeable Information transmitted by you on that Subject, I proceed to answer your Inquiries concerning Mr Milnor.

     Ever since he signified to me his Intention to offer himself for the Ministry, I have indulged the Prospect of his being an important Accession to our Church in Pennsylvania: having an high Opinion of his Merits, in every Line necessary to that Effect. This would restrain me from any Measures to disjoin him from us; but would not warrant me to put Hindrance in the Way of any Design, which, for ought known to me, may enable him to be more useful to our Church, & to the Cause of Religion in general, elsewhere.

     According to the Canons of our Chruch, a Candidate must remain such, at least one Year. Mr Milnor was entered as a Candidate, early in April. I have not mentioned your writing to me on this Subject: But some Rumour of it is said to come from a Gentleman of this City, lately at Mount Vernon; in Consequence of a Conversation there had with you & Mr Lee. I remain, dear Sir Your very respectful humble Servant

Wm: White

P.S. I am editing an Octavo Volume: designed to explain & defend some of the Doctrines of our Church. It is expected to be ready for Delivery in 3 or 4 Days I shall request your Acceptance of a Copy; defiguring, if a good Oppertunity shd offer, to send it to Washington, & to notify to you the Place of Deposit.

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Historic Manuscript Collection. The cover of the letter is postmarked in Philadelphia on 9 July.