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From Hannah Bushrod Washington

My ever dear Child

     I had the very great comfort of receving your welcome & affe. letter, wherein you say that your mind is quite made up in regard to settleing at Walnut farm directly—it would be a vain attempt in me to express my feelings on this occasion, to have you so near me gives that happiness I never expected to have known again in this world for sure my situation at Bushfield was a very friendless & forlorn one—& a poor unfortunate creature like myself feel every calamity with double force.

     My sincere thanks to Nancy for the trouble she took about the fillet, which I recd safe we have here but little room & much company—so that I cant write you as lengthy a letter I intended— I expect to leave this place the first of November & shall look forward to see my beloved Children of Belvidere at the promised time— Tell Nancy that I have enough to say to her to fill a dozen sheets of paper— these dear Children only talk of you both Corbin & Hannah also Nancy Join me in a great deal of love & good wishes for yourself & my dear Nancy— I am with the greatest Sincerity my dear child your ever affe. & lovg

Hannah Washington

     I will write again soon—adieu my beloved Bushrod.

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers. The cover is addressed to BW at "Belvidere near Richmond Town."