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From Hannah Bushrod Washington

     Although my beloved Bushrod I have not time to say much, yet I know a line or two will give you much happiness when coming from a mother whose greatest wish is the welfare of her dearest Children— I have been only twice at this place since I return'd from Selby & then for no more than three days— Col. W<2m>n & my poor Augustine are unhappy if I leave Haywood at all—however Doctor Beanum having directed Au[gu]stine to make use of the machine water, I have steped home its pack & carry up my glass for that purpose, tomorrow morning I shall go up & leave this at the office on my way— I am now to add to my offer in regard to a swap I mentioned to you in my letter by Mr Porter— I intended fully in that letter to have told you that any boot you thought proper from me I would most cheerfully give—as your horse is fit for plowing now & mine is not old enough till the spring— this escaped my mind at the time of writing, but have since reflected on it—not that I believe Mr Richardson uses the horses so much in any way as visiting— I am told that himself & waiting man Ben, are met sometimes on the road as drunk as two Lords—nearly tumbling from thier seats— Your Corn I am told at the farm has been out about a fortnight— I have suffered much distress of mind about my Cattle injuring you corn at the farm, till I got a neighbour to ride over the field & inform me of the true state of the case before which your negroes declared to me that thier own horses not my cattle had done what mischief had happened, Mr moore wrote me a very satisfactory letter concerning my cattle, Richardson told him that he had not charged my cattle with hurting the Corn but busy people had told me so— but you remember his letter to you at Haywood about it— poor body he is too often out of his senses to do well I fear either for you or himself.

     pray my dearest Bushrod give my warmest love to my Nancy & flatter myself with seeing you both up this winter & beg you'll both be assured of the most unfeigned & sincere Affe & good wishes of her who is my dear Son Yr ever loving mother & friend

H. Washington

my dear Augustine was much the same where I left him as when I wrote you by Mr Porter.

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers. The cover is addressed to BW at "Belvidere nere Richmond." Written above the address, in a different hand, the text reads, "Port Royal 14th November [17]97." BW endorsed the letter from his mother as "Novr [17]97."