From Hannah Bushrod Washington
Parkgate, May 6. 1795
My ever dear Child
Your Affe letter came to hand just now, Mr Lee set off very early this morning to Fauquier on particular business, we are delighted to hear that we shall see you before we leave Virginia, & send a young carriage horse to bring you to Dumfries, your Sister who is still low & sick is most joyful in thinking to see you, she begs her most Affe love to you & says she can very readily believe that your tender love & concern for her is great indeed— she sends the only horse on the land at present for you, but is sorry he gos so hard— we intend certainly (should the day prove fair) to be at Rippon lodge tomorrow evening instead of Dumfries—where my dear Mildred & myself shall injoy the company of our friends— we are extremely busy in packing &c. God Almighty ever bless you my dearest Bushrod & be assure where ever I go my thoughts can never be from you & dear Nancy— I am unalterably Your sincerely Affe
H. Washington
You know my forebodings about my dear Children, so beg you'll be careful in riding the horse sent being lately broken.
ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers. The cover is addressed to BW "at present in Fredericksburg." On the cover is written "Arthur."