From John Augustine Washington
Baltimore 20 June 1783
My dear Bushrod
<I> recd your Letters that came by Lawrence Washington (who I have the pleasure to inform you has been acquited by the examining Court of King George, his conduct being considered as self defence) these letters are all we have recd since those I got in Berkley, I was much consernd to hear you were indisposed,1 but flatter myself that you must have recovered as some Gentlemen in this Town inform me that they had seen you since the date of your Letter and that you were well— my principal business in comeing up here was to bring up a little Tobo to try to make you a remittance it realy gives me concern to hear of your being in want of money, and the distance so great, the Scarcity of oppertunitys such, as to render it difficult to send forward remittances even if a Man had the money at hand, another reason for my comeing up to this place was to indeavour to establish some regular mode of making remittances from hence this I have not been able to accomplish as yet and fear, I shall find some difficulty in the business, if I should suckceed2 I shall certainly inform you before I leave this place which I expect will be on munday or tuesday next possably it may be wednesday first— I wish you had known the time I was to have been here that you might have come down to this place by the last stage, that I might have had the pleasure of seeing and spending two or three days with you.
This letter I expect will go by Genl Williams and incloses one from your Mama & Mildred and also a Bill for two hundred dollars or £75 pr Cty the Bill is at 5 days sight and the drawer assures me will be punctually paid, if it is, it will answer better then remiting cash as no injury can arise in case of accidents on the road, Mr Seimon informs me that upon it<mutilated>accepted that you may recieve Cash out of the Bank for it with little or no expence but as the money is due in 5 days after sight probebly there may be no occasion to give yourself the trouble of applying to the Bank— as I have mention before I hope to leave this place by Wednesday, but as I came up by water & the Vessel could not wait for me, I shall have a passage to look for after my business is finished and may be detain'd longer— I would therefore wish you to write as quickly as you can—as I don't know how soon Genl Williams may send for my letter and as I shall write again before I leave Baltimore I shall conclude with wishing you health and happines being my dear Bushrod Your very Aff. Father
John Auge Washington
ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers.
1. JAW originally wrote "in as bad" but crossed it out and wrote "indisposed."
2. JAW first rote "if I should find any difficulty in the" but crossed it out.