Robert Lewis to the Executors of George Washington's Estate
Fredericksburg [on or before 7] March 18011
I am favd with your circular letter respecting Mrs Washington's wish to surrender into the hands of the Executors of the late Genl Washington, all that part of her life Estate at present taxable, which derives her no profit, and yet is in her possession. I cannot but agree with you in opinion that such property as wou'd be inconvenient to divide should be sold.
The Kenhawa Lands ought to be an exception— These are extensive—nearly equal in quality taken agregately, and might with very little trouble or difficulty be divided— At all events it is my wish, and wou'd be carrying into effect the desire of the Testator— To elucidate, however, my ideas more clearly, I will only add, shou'd any obstacle arise in the division of the above property (which I do not anticipate at present) I wou'd have you to understand that no impediment is to be expected from me in your proceedings, as I am clearly determined to go with the majority of Legatees, and will aid and assist the Executors in the execution of their duty all that lies in my power. I am, Gentlemen, Respectfully Your Mo. Obt Sert
Robt Lewis
ALS, NN: Thomas Addis Emmet Collection. The cover was addressed to "The Executors to the Estate of the late Genl Washington now at Mount Vernon" and postmarked at Fredericksburg, Va., on 7 March.
1. Lewis left a small space after "March" for the day. We supply a date based on the postmark.