To John Nicolson Gibbons
Mt Vernon June 28. 1820
Some time ago I recd from Mr Thos Griffin Prest of the Dismal Swamp Co. two drafts for dividends due the estate of Genl Washington which I have found it unpracticable to negotiate at any of the Alexandria Banks, on acct. of the Currency in which they are made payable.
I wrote to Mr Griffin & requested him to recommend to me Some Gentleman in Norfolk who would undertake to Collect the amt. of the drafts & to sell such of the notes as were below par, & to deposit the whole in some Bank in Norfolk to my Credit. In answer he has done me the favor to name you in such terms as fully to satisfy me that the business will be transacted in the best manner. Availing myself of this recommendation I now take the liberty of enclosing the drafts to you with my endorsements, requesting that you will have the goodness to collect the amt. of them & to dispose of such of the notes as will not be recd by your banks in deposit, for the most that can be obtained, & after deducting your Comm[issio]ns, postages, &c to deposit the whole in one of your bal. banks to my credit, or to send me a check of such Banks to one of the Banks in the District of Columbia.
The notes enclosed are as follow
By the Prest & managers of the D.S.L.C. to Ja. Taylor their treasurer dated 17 May -20 for $743.92 in my favor, endorsed “to be paid in such mony as the Treasurer has recd”
The other by the same, in Janary the same, on the Prest of the Compy, same date, for $148.56 to be paid when he shd have recd $1110,20 from S Proctor, in such mony as he recd, endorsed “received in North Carolina Bank Paper.[“] I am Sir very respectfully yr mo. ob. srvt
Bush. Washington
The favor of an answer as your Convenience may permit is requested
ALS, Copy, NHi: Bushrod Washington Papers Collection.