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To Lawrence Lewis

Dear Sir

     I purchased 10 barrels of Corn the other day, out of which I will supply the free Negroes with the quantity you mention, that is a bushel per month to each. I shall have to purchase more to last Bushrod & myself to the end of the year & will at the same time lay in for the free people. I presume they carry it themselves to the mill— if they cant do this, I must send it for them. Affectly yrs

Bush. Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Esther Maria Chapin Collection. On the address side of the letter Lewis appears to have written "Charge the Estate with Meal found free Negroes from Jany 1819 to the 31st of August and found Old Molly from 31 of August 1819 to Octr 1st 1823 all at the rate, of One Bushel per Month./8 in number."