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To Bushrod Washington


     In a late official communication by Govr Troup to the Legislature of Georgia, I find myself charged with having maintained before the Supreme Court of the United States, at the last term, the proposition “that slavery, being inconsistent with the laws of God and nature, cannot exist.” Will you do me the justice to say in reply whether either your notes of argument, or your recollection impute that proposition to me; or any sentiment or opinion that slavery, as it now exists in the several1 states, could be or ought to be abolished, or be attempted to be abolished, or interfered with, at all, by the Authority of the Government of the United States. I have the honor to remain, Sir, very respectfully Your obedient Servant

Wm Wirt

Source Note

ALS, ViU: Notable Families of Virginia, Washington Family Papers. This letter was postmarked in Baltimore on 2 July, and stamped as "free."

1. Wirt first wrote the word "United" in place of "several" but crossed it out.