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To Spotswood Augustine & George Washington

Dear Spotswood & George

     As my official engagements occupy too much of my time to permit me to answer your separate letters, you must receive this conjointly, and it affords me great pleasure to assure you, in the first place, that I observe with much satisfaction the improvement of both of you in your hand writing, spelling, and diction. This satisfies me that your tutor is both capable and attentive, and I sincerely hope that you will avail yourselves of the opportunity now in your power to advance rapidly in your different studies, apply diligently to them, both in; and out of, school, and be seen as seldom as possible in the streets. Remember that you will have nothing to depend upon for a support, and for advancement on the world, but your own talents and exertions, and now is the time for you to acquire good habits, and the learning necessary to fit you for business when you arrive at manhood. I hope you go regularly to church, and never permit a morning or night to pass away without returning thanks to God for all his mercies to you, and imploring his divine assistance to promote your temporal and eternal happiness. you know I have a pew both in Christs & St Pauls church.

     Should you want books or Stationary, and your tutor will be so good as to inform me of it, I will send him an order to get them in Alexa., if to be had there, or will forward them to you from Philadelphia, or this place. I shall write to your father to get you your summer clothes. I have heard nothing as yet from the Secretary of the Navy, but hope to do so before long. Believe me my dear boys very truly yr affect. Uncle

Bush. Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViU: Papers of the Washington Family. BW addressed the letter to "Masters Spotswood & George Washington at Mr Hallowells School[,] Alexandria."