To Hannah Bushrod Washington
Hiccory Hall, March 31[s] [17]
Dear & Hond Madam
After encountering a number of disappointments I have arrived here— I found that Coll Harry Lee could not accomodate me with a conveyance to Court— I then had hopes of getting my Brothers Phaeton, but unfortunately found my Sister from home and the Phaeton broke— at length getting here, I shall get a driver & two horses from Mr Turbervilles— I have borrowed a Saddle & Bridle from Mr George Turberville to get Lewis as fare as Haywood, and have to request of my friend Mr Washington to lend Lewis an old saddle & Bridle up to Colo. Blackburns, from whence oliver will bring it back when he comes down to carry me which will be in about a fortnight— I have also to request him to send down Mr Turbervilles saddle & Bridle immediately to Epping, as I have promised him it should be done & shall be very unhappy if this promise should be broken.
I beg him to excuse the trouble I give him, but really I am so pestered with difficulties that I must plead necessity. Will you be so good as to lend me your two Horses when I return to Walnut farm in order to get me to Haywood where oliver is to meet me? Go[d] bless you all; remember me to my dear Sister who is scarcely ever out of my mind and always warmly cherished in my heart— Heaven send you good health & a continuance of it— believe me ever to be Your sincerely affe & Dutyful Son
Transcript, ViU: Letters to Mrs. Hannah Washington.