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To Lawrence Lewis

my dear sir

I wrote to Mr Moore for his statement of Ransoms debt, & recieved for answer that Ransoms statement was correct provided he is entitled to $897 paid the commissioners. This is quite a new item to me which I do not understand. Will you be so good as to send me that Statement by the bearer that I may examine it? I am anxious to know what sum to debit you with on that account, & also affix the value of the bank stock that we must do tomorrow in town, <illegible> I can make the transfers <mutilated> you. yrs affectly

Bush. Washington

Rock Hall sold for $17,115, one third to be paid in sixty days, with Interest, the ballance in three equal annual instalments with interest from the 20th Novr 1818

Comr pr Cent. 5 on $17,115 is                              $855.75

Paid for them to Hiskels for

publishing the sale of RH.                                       7

Ransom pd                                                   848:75


Source Note

ALS, ViU: Papers of the Washington Family.

1. Everything following Washington's signature to the sum $855.75" is in Lewis's hand on the back of the note.