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To William Augustine Washington

My dear Sir   

     I wished very much to have called at Rock hill yesterday, but Mrs Washingtons' anxiety to see her sister & our apprehension that it would be too late after a regular dinner to get to Greenwood, induced us to stop at Crawfurds whilst an early cut was provided for us, immediately after which we left Georgetown and with difficulty got here before night.

     I now send you the deed of trust and bond executed by Mr Parks, which you can assign over to Mr Caldwell. I had enclosed the former in a letter to Mr Turner with a request that he would have it recorded at his first Court; but after the rect of your last, I called upon the gentleman who was to forward my letter and was glad to find that he had not sent it off. Inform Mr Caldwell that I think it will be proper for him to have the deed recorded within 8 months from the date of it. Please sign & return me the enclosed reciept.

     I have not yet heard from my friend in Phila. who was charged with the negociatior I mentioned to you, but attribute his silence to an expectation which I gave him cause to entertain that we should have been in that City some days ago. When I left him I did not prorpose remaining above two days at home. The moment I got to Phila. I shall write you upon that Subject.

     Mr Caldwell requested me yesterday to write to Mr Robt Lewis repecting the mony due from him; this I will do, and it might be well for you to suggest to Mr Law. Lewis the utility of his writing to his brother upon the same Subject.

     I have accepted Mr Ludwell Lees order in favor of his brother payable the 15th of October.

     I shall not forget during my Journey that it is your wish to find purchasers for your Westmoreland & City property. Wishing you health & every happiness I am with best compliments to Mrs W. very sincerely my dear Sir your friend & affect. servt

Bush. Washington

Mrs W. begs to Unite with me in remembrances to you & Mrs W.    

Source Note

ALS, TxDaHC. The cover was addressed to the Colonel at "Rock hill." A note, in another hand, on the cover reads, "Judge Washington's letter respecting Andrew Parks' bond assigned to L. B. Caldwell."