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To Henry Tazewell


     As I have not the Honor of your acquaintance, it is with diffidence that I make this application for your Assistance in obtaining the Clerkship of the Assize Court for the District of the four lower Counties in the Northern Neck, being well assured, that your choice will fall on the most deserving Candidate. I am now pursuing the practice of the Law, and I flatter myself, that the little knowledge I have of it, will enable me to conduct with tolerarble Accuracy the business of the Office I sollicit. If my Character and abilities should be so fortunate as to meet your approbation, I will sincerely thank you for your assistance I have the Honor to be Sir your very obedt Humbl. Servant

Bushrod Washington

Source Note

ALS, TxDaHC. BW addressed the letter to Tazewell in Williamsburg.