To Joseph Story
Bath Virga—Augt 17. 1829
My dear Story
I have Just recd a letter from Messrs A. C. Cazenove & Co. informing me of the arrival of our long looked for wine, ordered as long ago as March 1828— Murdoch & Co. write me that this parcel of "finest, old, high coloured, London particular" is selected from the choicest in their possession, and I have reason to believe that our most sanguine anticipations of its quality will be fully gratified. As the whole was ordered in my name, the shippers have drawn upon me at 90 days for the amount which I have Just accepted. The freight duties and expenses are charged to me by A. C. Cazenove & Co. The whole Cost per quarter Cask is $72.60, so that for the three ordered for you & Mr Webster you will have to pay to A. C. Cazenove & Co. $217.80. I have written them to deliver that quantity to your order, & I am sure that they will with pleasure execute any particular directions which you may give them for its preservation, by casing, or otherwise, on its passage to Boston or Salem. Experience will suggest to you the propriety of making some provision on that subject.
My letter to you, written early in June, containing a syllabus of the Cases decided at our last Circuit, has long ago I trust reached you. I am anxious to hear from you, but presuming that your late appointment in Cambridge College will employ much of your time, I shall without complaining wait your own time. With best regards & wishes to Mrs S. I am truly & affectly yrs
Bush. Washington
P.S. In a few days I shall return to "Wellesley, near Charlestown, Jefferson County, Virga" to remain there till about the 20th Septr when I shall take my departure for Phila.
Murdock sends me the following recipe for fining the wine "For a pipe, one o[u]nce of the purest isinglass; let it remain a day or two in a tumbler with a little of the wine, then, with the addition of about a quart, being put on the fire, it will easily dissolve. This, well mixed with the wine the whole will, in a month or 6 weeks be as bright as can be desired. Should any accident or change of weather disturb the wine and prevent its clearing, this may be repeated with half the quantity of isinglass.["]
ALS, MHi: Joseph Story Papers. BW addressed the letter to "The honle Mr Justice Story," specifically for Salem, Mass. Story endorsed the letter. The letter was postmarked 21 Augt, but the location of the postmark is illegible.